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Our Announcements

Announcements for July 14, 2024

  • Pastoral Care and Pastoral Visit: When you need pastoral care, contact Rev. Eunkyu JI or the church office. Visits to the minister's office are welcome anytime. E-mail:
    Tue. and Thur. at Forest Hill, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or by appointment
    Wed. and Fri. at Gibson, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or by appointment

  • Vacation: Rev. Eunkyu will be on Vacation from July 22 to August 11 and will be back in the office on August 12.  If you need pastoral care contact Diane at 506-459-8779.  Kris will be on vacation from July 23 to Aug 2 and will be back in the office on August 6.  There will be somebody in the office during Kris’s normal times.

  • Summer Service: will be at 10:00 a.m.  For the month of July we will be worshipping at Gibson Memorial United Church and back at Forest Hill in August. Service time will stay at 10:00 a.m. in September.

  • Carpooling to Gibson Memorial UC:  If you are interested in carpooling during July while the services are at Gibson Memorial UC, please contact Karen or Diane.  Let us know if you are looking for a ride or can offer a ride, by Saturday afternoon, if possible so we can match people up.  You can either meet at Forest Hill or somewhere closer to your residence if you're not in the Forest Hill neighbourhood.

  • Pride Week: is July 13-21.  Check the posters on the bulletin board for some events you might be interested in attending. This is not a full list.  The Fredericton Pride website is also on the poster and you can get the full schedule there.

  • Alex Good: will be performing at the Southside Shake, which is the bar at the Hilton beside the convention centre downtown. He will be playing a collection of sentimental vocal and piano jazz songs. The show starts at 7 PM on Thursday July 18. Admission is by donation. Please come.

  • Pride Parade July 21st: Join us to celebrate Pride on July 21st!  Parade participants are marshalling behind City Hall on the right side of the parking lot (towards the skate park). We are asked to arrive by 2:15 pm for set up, but don't hesitate to come find us at any time prior to the parade start time of 3 pm - or join us on the route!  We are formally registered this year, so you can ask the organizers for our location or look for our rainbow Pride banner.  We will have Forest Hill Pride T-shirts and some other rainbow items for you to borrow, but feel free to bring signs, flags, bubbles or whatever else you want to use to celebrate the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

  • Plantsitters still needed:  There are several 4" succulents that need plantsitting until a fall church fundraiser.  They just need a sunny spot and occasional watering (more if they start to turn red or brown). You can pick up one or more plants at church or contact Karen to make other arrangements.

  • Eclipse Glasses: If you have solar eclipse glasses that you no longer want, please put them in the box by the food bank box by August 30th.  They will be donated to Astronomers without Borders who will vet them to ensure that they can be safely reused and then give them to a location having a future solar eclipse.

  • Fellowship of the Least Coin: The UCW ladies invite members of the congregation to save their nickels for this organization which fosters prayer and help for peace and reconciliation in the world.  It is particularly focused on women who have suffered injustices around the world.  It is connected to the Women's Interchurch Council and thus encompasses many churches around the world.  We send the monies raised by this to WICC each year in the fall. A jar marked Fellowship of the Least Coin will be available on Sundays on the hymn cabinet.

  • Projectionists and readers: are needed for the remaining Sundays in the month of August.  Please sign up on the list at the back of the church.

  • COVID-19 precautions: Please continue to wash or sanitize your hands when you enter the church.  Mask use is optional.  Please direct any questions or concerns to Karen, Margie or Mary.

  • GMUC ladies: would like to extend an invitation to FHUC ladies to join them Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. in the church hall for Women Together. This group meets weekly to share in fellowship, coffee and crafts.  All welcome. Please feel free to reach out to Marsha Daley for more information.

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