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50th Anniversary Celebrations

In 2018, Forest Hill United Church celebrated its 50th anniversary. There were a number of special events planned during the year.


On Sunday, February 18th, 2018, exactly 50 years after it was formed, Forest Hill United Church in Fredericton held a service of celebration and thanksgiving to God that was full of colour and music, history and hope and good fellowship.


The photo to the left is the 50th anniversary bulletin cover. Select  this photo to see the entire bulletin.

During the winter of 2018, Marilyn Lohnes and Brian Cassidy interviewed our 5 charter members - Jennifer Abbott, Doreen and Ken Floyd, and Patricia and Graham Powell - and then spent many hours creating 4 videos. In the videos, historical photos and video clips were incorporated into the taped interviews, and the result is a treasure for our church and for the charter members' families.

FHUC Charter Members Interviews

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